One Life to Live Wiki
Drew Buchanan II
One Life to Live
Portrayed by Mia-Bella Knight (2012)

Ezra Giovanni (2012) Scott Malak (2012) Elijah and Isaiah Ford (2013) Unknown Boy (2013)

Duration 2012, 2013-present
First appearance January 13, 2012
Created by Ron Carlivati
Gender Male
Born January 13, 2010
Age 15
Residence Llanview
Parents Destiny Evans
Matthew Buchanan
Grandparents Bo Buchanan
Nora Buchanan
(via Matthew)
Greg Evans
(via Destiny)
Asa Buchanan
Olympia Buchanan
Renée Divine Buchanan
Lenny Hanen
Selma Hanen
(great grandparents)
Aunts and uncles David Vickers Buchanan
Drew Buchanan
Rachel Gannon
(via Matthew)
Clint Buchanan
Ben Davidson
Susannah Hanen
(great; via Matthew)
First cousins Cord Roberts
Natalie Buchanan
Rex Balsom
Kevin Buchanan (adoptive)
Joey Buchanan (adoptive)
Jessica Buchanan
C. J. Roberts
Sarah Roberts
Liam McBain
Shane Balsom
Duke Buchanan (adoptive)
Bree Brennan
Ryder Ford
Zane Buchanan
(second cousins; via Matthew)

Drew Buchanan II is a fictional character on the ABC daytime soap opera and the online reboot of One Life to Live. He is the son of Matthew Buchanan and Destiny Evans. He was born on the ABC network series finale on January 13, 2012


In April 2011, After having feelings for each other for a long time, teen couple Destiny Evans and Matthew Buchanan begin dating. After confessing to Destiny about killing someone, they end up having sex. After getting in a fight with Nate Salinger, Matthew hits his head and is left in a coma, with a little chance of living. In June 2011, Destiny learns she is pregnant. Since she is a teen mother and most likely will be a single mother if Matthew doesn't wake up, Destiny straggles if she get an abortion or not. After thinking about it, she decides not. In a miracle, Matthew wakes up on Thanksgiving day in 2011 and doesn't want anything to do with his baby. After getting guidance from his brother David, Matthew decides to be there for the baby. Destiny gives birth to the baby on January 13, 2012, with no problems. They decide to name him after Matthew's deceased brother Drew.
